
Major Program Acquisition & Management Support


Major Program Acquisition & Management Support: Streamlining Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System to Mitigate Costs and Accelerate Speed of Delivery

Major Program Acquisition & Management Support: Streamlining Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System to Mitigate Costs and Accelerate Speed of Delivery

¼«Æ·Ì½»¨ supports the acquisition and delivery of major programs and systems. We provide programmatic, technical and engineering, integrated logistics, business, and financial management, and cyber engineering support for PEO SUB Acquisition Category I-III level programs.  We provide similar support for the Rolling Airframe Missile program, a U.S./German cooperative Terminal Defense System.

Project Highlights: 

  • ¼«Æ·Ì½»¨ streamlined the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System process to avoid programmatic costs and speed delivery to the fleet of new capabilities.
  • ¼«Æ·Ì½»¨ helped the program office develop a fielding plan for high-gain sonar arrays for VIRGINIA and OHIO class submarines, as part of the Acoustic Superiority Campaign Plan. This plan featured a very aggressive timeline that would not have been achievable using normal acquisition procedures. This was accomplished by 1) ‘tailoring’ the statutory and regulatory requirements which govern program initiation; 2) managing array development as two separate programs of record based on the differing SSN and SSBN missions, and 3) allowing PMS 401 to proceed directly to Milestone C based on work already completed
  • We helped Team Sub process and issue over 275 procurement requests (PRs); 15 of those PRs resulted in RFPs issued by the contracting officer. The active contracts are valued at $590M, with $490M in new and pending contracts.
  • We have developed a workload management schedule for effective planning of Contract Data Requirements List submittal reviewer resources.
  • We successfully completed the research needed to define visionary requirements for next-generation submarine Large Vertical Sonar Arrays and Electronic Warfare/Electronic Attack capabilities, in response to Congressional inquiries. This research enabled the Navy to defend its investment decisions and secure funding for the new Team Sub capabilities in the President’s FY19 Budget, and secure additional funding ($190M) for improved warfighting capability.
  • We have supported the Rolling Airframe Missile (RAM), a U.S./German cooperative program since 1976.



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